My first mistake was getting on Twitter. My second, reading the comments from armchair prophets. A particular tweet asked if Christians might not be dogwhistled by the implications of vaccinating against the COVID-19 virus and how that squares with end-time prophecy, particularly the famous one about “the mark of the beast.”

I will admit, the thread did give me pause. While it’s a safe bet Moderna is not the mark, I wondered internally if we’re not being pre-conditioned for something more sinister down the road.

In recent days we’ve heard the Biden administration float the idea of a “vaccine passport.“ I haven’t researched it, but it’s obviously a way to greenlight the ones vaccinated back into the commercial mainstream. Get a jab and we’ll let you get your groceries. More nefariously, such a thing slams the door shut on those without their papers and leaves them out in the cold to fend for themselves regarding medical care and other life necessities.

There’s a little argument these days about everything going on in culture today being a slippery slope, so I would not doubt for a moment that the public is being trained like seals to comply with the even more restrictive measures that are coming down the pike. But…

In the category of “this ain’t it” these fast-tracked vaccines aren’t causing us to reject our Messiah and worship a counterfeit Jesus. That’s another prophecy for another eschatologian to deal with.

There’s a fair amount of tsk-tsking on social media directed at christians for foolishly kowtowing to the gummint and getting stuck. As a result, some are starting to reconsider taking the shot and others are regretting having done so, worried they have done something that cannot be undone and their souls might be damned forever.

May I set your heart at ease? The prophecy about “the mark of the beast” is just that. It’s about THE BEAST (Rev . 13:15-17). It’s not about this virus and it’s not about getting healthy so you can be a good neighbor.

Here’s some sane (and sage) counsel:

… the historical data does not permit us to think the “mark of the beast” is something you can accidentally take. It’s a mark of loyalty and worship, which requires full cognitive and heart-felt awareness of what you are doing (otherwise it’s not worship). If there is some future mark imposed on people by some nefarious person, then to take that mark, you’ll know exactly what you are doing—namely, cursing Christ and pledging devotion to his enemy… The message of Revelation beckons us away from angst and worry. It bids us to gaze upon the slain Lamb—to worship him with loyalty, devotion, and commitment. Let’s make Christ our focus, not endless speculations that, at the end of the day, have very little to do with the message of Revelation.”

— Tavis Bohlinger, The Logos Academic Blog, May 18, 2020 (emphasis mine)

Real talk, my friend.

You are not going to accidentally stumble into the “giving of the mark ceremony,” you are going to know exactly what you are doing. Don’t let the scaremongers get to you. They’ve been out there doing it since time immemorial, twisting the words of Jesus and holding parts of his church hostage through fear and control. Get off Facebook and get into the Word. Get you a good commentary (preferably an older one) and stay away from extremists and false-flag alarmists.

The One who is “able to keep you from falling” (Jude 24-25) is well-equipped to prevent you from receiving the mark… if your devotion is to Jesus today you will not give the beast your affection tomorrow. For myself, I pray each day that the Lord will grace me with the joy of finishing well and not falling away.

With heart free and easy, I’ll be getting my first poke on April 26, knowing full well I will not be marked for damnation. As the needle goes in, my heart will offer up a prayer of praise to the One who is my true King.

Selah, beloved.

Post Author: Pasturescott

12 Replies to “uh oh, did i receive “the mark”?”

      1. Thank you for sharing your timely thoughts. It has been troubling to see so many “bound” by fear and eyes focused on the circumstances instead of the Lord. Yes, we should always seek the truth on matters before making a decision . I remember getting the smallpox vaccine and the polio vaccine. I am thankful that God gave the medical field scientists the knowledge to create those vaccines and the current ones as well. I am to get my second Pfizer Covid shot April 13. God has given us help in this time of need .

        1. In your typical fashion, you’ve offered a beautiful reply to all of this. Thank you so much Beth; I particularly loved your closing thought that puts the emphasis in the right place: it is God who has brought about this moment of grace to stem the tide of global pandemic. Blessings on you and yours.

  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this timely word…especially since we are scheduled for our shots next week. You are such a blessing!!

    1. My dear Marmee, you know one of my biggest thrills is whenever I can encourage and bless you and Pal 😊 you always bless me more! Happy shots… I’m right behind you!

  2. Oh my… I’m so glad you wrote this good word. Thank you so much for responding to this scare tactic that’s been circulation among Christians. It has broken my heart to see the fear spread and people not get a life saving vaccine. There will be more and more conspiracy theories spread and fear based teaching. Keep the real talk going, Scott, and may God bless your first and second shot of the vaccine so you can stay healthy to teach God’s truth for a long time to come. Got my first shot already too 😉

    1. My very dear (and aptly named) friend, thank you from the bottom of my heart for endlessly offering me the grace of your kindness and encouragement! One day I will be able to tell you how the Lord has used you and Roger to spur me on in ministry. The last decade plus has been some of the most difficult and stretching (and shrinking) times I’ve ever experienced and time and again you guys have breathed needful air into me. And your comment just now is no exception. Thank you, beloved. Hebrews 6:10 to you!

  3. Ya I don’t forget Martin Luther faced 3 plauges.Risking himself and his family he stayed and helped his family and neighbors. the town’s people.I believe he leard alot about suffering it’s not wasted God even uses that to be a blessing.Praise you Paster Scott may God be with you blessed brother!

    1. What a beautiful response Laurie! Thank you so much for adding that reflection from Christian history and for adding value to this conversation. Many blessings to you this Resurrection weekend!

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