Let me tell you a Jesus story.

Several days later, Jesus returned to Capernaum, and the news quickly spread that he was back in town. Soon there were so many people crowded inside the house to hear him that there was no more room, even outside the door.
While Jesus was preaching the word of God, four men arrived, carrying a paralyzed man. But when they realized that they couldn’t even get near him because of the crowd, they went up on top of the house and tore away the roof above Jesus’ head. And when they had broken through, they lowered the paralyzed man on a stretcher right down in front of him! When Jesus saw the extent of their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “My son, your sins are now forgiven.”
This offended some of the religious scholars who were present, and they reasoned among themselves, “Who does he think he is to speak this way? This is blasphemy for sure! Only God himself can forgive sins!”
Jesus supernaturally perceived their thoughts and said to them, “Why are you being so skeptical? Which is easier, to say to this paralyzed man, ‘Your sins are now forgiven,’ or, ‘Stand up and walk!’? But to convince you that the Son of Man has been given authority to forgive sins, I say to this man, ‘Stand up, pick up your stretcher, and walk home.’” Immediately the man sprang to his feet in front of everyone and left for home.
When the crowds witnessed this miracle, they were awestruck. They shouted praises to God and said, “We’ve never seen anything like this before!”

Mark 2:1-12
(Passion Translation)

No doubt the same man had heard about the first round of miraculous healings (chapter 1) and may have even hoped someone would get him near the Healer. Now here he is, perhaps again, longing and hoping. The Healer is near.

The house is crowded, though, so how will he ever get close enough to the Man from Heaven? His hopes are flagging and he must be thinking, “I keep missing out. God’s blessings, it seems, are meant for others but not for me. I just can’t seem to find any way…”

“ I can’t get a break. Nothing changes, no matter how many times I lift up a prayer. My number never gets called. I guess this is just my lot.”

The story reminds us when it is our time, Jesus will make a way. It may take uncommon methods, a circuitous route, or a banging on and barging through a door that seems to have you locked out. His Presence will draw you to himself much like the Eye of Sauron drew the One Ring to itself. Only you won’t find a mount of doom waiting, you’ll find a world of mercy.

God may choose to use other ways and means to get you to himself, but only he can lift you. Other means can bring you, only Jesus can save you.

If you’re stuck in the “lying paralyzed on a mat with no hope or help in sight” mode, just remember, as with this paralyzed man, Jesus wants to do an interior work in you first; that is most important to the Savior. You want to “walk,” he wants you to live – free, whole, and forgiven!

What, then, are we to make of the mat? Doesn’t it belong in the incinerator?

Why, oh Jesus, did you tell the healed paralytic to take it with him?

Ah, that’s the beautiful mystery unveiled to those who know the painful holiness of hard surrender. That smelly old, foul mat, the bane of his miserable existence, suddenly became his fragrant testimony!

I have been paralyzed for nearly 40 years but God has done a healing work in me of such magnitude that the miracle of walking would pale in comparison. My wheelchair is my mat and I take it with me everywhere I go to testify to the goodness and graciousness of God. 

…Jacob still walked with a limp. 

…The apostle Paul bore the brand marks of Jesus in his body.

…Peter lived with the memory of denying his Jesus thrice but became one of Christendom’s greatest preachers.

…Moses carried his grand mistake to his grave but it didn’t define him.

Will I walk again? Absolutely. 

I have faith for that. 

All in due time, brothers and sisters.

All in due time.

And until then, I carry my mat and give thanks.

Are you depressed?

Have your dreams fallen to dust and left you groveling in sand?

Take your burdens to the Lord; yes, a million times yes.

But also. (Hang with me here.)

Reach out to someone who sits in the Room of Grace with Jesus regularly, and ask them to pray for you.

Let me tell you another Jesus story. This will be quick I promise.

I’ve been facing a situation that has taken the wind out of my sails and many have been praying, and God has heard every petition and has acted accordingly. But my situation has not reversed.

Last week, when the family’s greatest prayer warrior, my precious Aunt Jean (my mom’s sister), set camp in her prayer room, the very next morning there was significant change. The doctors marveled, the outlook is nowhere near as ominous, and a fresh wind of hope has lifted my sails and borne me aloft. The road ahead will still be tricky but the Lord has given me a soft spot in the way. He’s spent considerable time hugging and loving on me by way of his Nearness, intercedings, and answering the prayers of his people who love me.

You have people who love you too. Send them an S.O.S.

Sometimes we carry our mats, and other times someone else will carry it for us.

Oh, and one last thing. After healing the guy and forgiving his sin (not in that order), Jesus told him to “go home.” I have no doubt the guy told everybody his story “on the way home.“ No doubt he testified by waving his mat around!

That’s what is required of us when the Lord intervenes and changes our story: don’t keep it to yourself, don’t hold it inside; in fact, if God has delivered you from previous hardships, text or email or call someone and tell them how Jesus loved on you then.

“All the way home.”

The very act of praise opens doorways into greater miracles, I’m convinced of it.




T E S T I F Y.

That’s  it for now, beloved.

Until next time.


Post Author: Pasturescott

8 Replies to “so i carry my mat”

  1. I don’t even have the words to thank you for this testimony, but thank you. Thank you for remaining faithful. Thank you for sharing God’s Word. Thank you for the encouragement. We haven’t seen each other for over three decades but we remember you and think of you often. I have shared your story with my students more times than I can count and this Friday when I do our zoom chapel I will share it again. Thanks, Scott:). Love and prayers for you and Sandy.
    May God continue to bless you and keep you ever so close,

    1. Dear one, I get choked up by your loving, encouraging comments every time! Thank you for your kindness to me! Bless you for reading and letting me know how these humble words touch your life. May God use them to bless your path. You shine, Darlene. I’m grateful for you and your place in my/our life!

  2. Pastor Scott,
    Hope you’re doing well.
    I always enjoy reading your post.
    Much love to you and Sandy 😘

    1. Sweet, precious April, thank you for your words that touch my heart so deeply! I’ll never forget you, and Sandy and I send our love your way, giving thanks that we were able to share in His Life together with faithful you. Joy and Jesus to you always, dear one 😘😘

  3. Oh how I love this! Oh how it resonates with hard found yet glorious, priceless, worthy of selling the whole field … truth! “When it is our time, Jesus will make a way.” But first….. the interior work. And that work, that intimacy, that ….. surrender …. ahhh its aroma. How glorious has His aroma through you been for so many of us. How it has drawn us and pushed us to seek for ourselves. I absolutely can’t wait until your mat waving party! In the meantime ….. thank you for “smelling up the place” near us. We love you!

    P.S. Thank you for your faithfulness, Aunt Jean.

    1. Hello my dear wordsmith friend… it’s my turn to cry! I’ve only ever felt honor and respect and the deepest of support with you in my corner. Working together those years and doing life with you and Alan and your girls has been one of my highest privileges.
      Thank you for blessing me in ways that effectually reach my heart!

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