Photo by Sandy Mitchell, Gatlinburg, TN

The old joke goes like this: a doctor called in his patient following some tests and told him, “I’ve got some good news and I’ve got some bad news; which do you want to hear first?“ His patient says, “Give me the good news first, doc.” Gravely, the doctor tells him, “You only have 24 hours to live.“ “Good grief, doc,” his patient replies. “That’s the good news? What’s the bad news?” The doctor leans in, lowers his glasses, and tells him, “I should have told you yesterday.”

<<<Jesus Juke alert>>>

Jesus, the Great Physician, leans in and tells the church: “I’ve got bad news. The world hates you. But here’s the good news: I have overcome the world.”

Yes, the world hates you. But you are eternally, extravagantly, wholly loved by God. Just know what you are up against when you go out your door today. And know who goes with you.

What prompted this post is the thought I had as I was waking up this morning: except for the restraining power of Christ, the world system would just as soon you not be part of it. The world wants you dead.

George Yancey, professor of sociology at North Texas University and prodigious Christian author, was asked on a recent podcast:

What are some of the things being said about Christians on the college campus today?

He replied,

  • “Churches and houses of religion should be designated as nuclear test zones.”
  • “Kill them all, let their god sort them out.”
  • “The only good Christian is a dead Christian.”
  • “A torturous death would be too good for them.”
  • “I’d be a bit giddy, certainly grateful, if everyone who saw himself or herself in that category were snatched permanently from our societal peripheries, whether by holocaust or rapture or plague.”
  • “I am only too well aware of their horrific attitudes and beliefs—and those are enough to make me see them as subhuman.”

Yancey has produced extensive surveys which have uncovered a rather alarming statistic: 32% of all Americans have an unfavorable opinion toward conservative Christians. That’s nearly 1 out of 3 people, my dudes.

Consider the street you live on or the apartment you live in. Every third residence is occupied by someone who doesn’t like you…for no other reason than your commitment to Christ.

Mind you, most wouldn’t think of acting on their dislike with violence, or repeat the things you read above (out loud), but the fact remains they see you as a germ in society and would rather you didn’t come near.

This is why belonging to a faith community is so imperative. One of the great blessings of gathering with other saints embodies the truth that you are not alone. You may be persona non grata at work or relegated to the uncool table in your high school, but there’s a place for you at the table of grace.

Yancey, again:

We must work together to protect each other from discrimination. We no longer live in a society generally supportive of Christians. We’re going to have to support each other. An important way to do that is to develop our Christian communities. For example, support of Christian-owned businesses may be vital to help minimize the economic costs of anti-Christian discrimination. Working together to socialize our children is vital for allowing us to pass down our faith in a post-Christian culture. We can’t count on support from the larger society.

The last book of the Bible is a book about Jesus. It’s not a book about Babylon or the Beast or the number of the Beast, or Armageddon, and it’s not even about us. These things are included, but the overarching plot is the Person of Jesus Christ.

As the world shows who it really is more and more, cling to Jesus. Trust in Jesus. Come out of Babylon and run to him. Meet with him daily. Walk in his steps. Gather with Jesus people. Listen to Jesus music. Look to Jesus.

May your life be a meditation on the prayer of Patrick in 5th c. Ireland:

Christ with me,

Christ before me,

Christ behind me,

Christ in me,

Christ beneath me,

Christ above me,

Christ on my right,

Christ on my left,

Christ when I lie down,

Christ when I sit down,

Christ when I arise,

Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,

Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,

Christ in every eye that sees me,

Christ in every ear that hears me.

Tomorrow morning, get up, get dressed, and go out your door knowing this: haters gonna hate but the One who is greater gonna get you home.

Selah, beloved.

Post Author: Pasturescott

12 Replies to “bad news to make your day”

  1. Well, that was thought provoking but oh so, timely!!! We watched the movie , POLYCARP, this afternoon . It deals with his life and exactly the Romans and Ceasar’s hatred for Christians as well as Polycarp’s being martyred circa 156AD. May we remain faithful by the Lord’s sustaining grace!

    1. Since a boy I’ve been taken by the story of Polycarp from Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, particularly the stirring quote at his execution, “Eighty and six years have I served my Lord and he’s never failed me; how could I deny him in this hour?” (from memory)

      I’m always beyond grateful for your engagement, Beth! Blessings to you and yours!

      1. His testimony has fascinated me as well. There is a famous man named Jose Policarpio Rodriguez who built a chapel with his hands of stone in the 1800’s near Bandera, TX here that went by Polycarp, “Polly”. He was a Methodist minister, Indian scout, and a whole lot of other “titles”. I have wondered if his parents had heard of Polycarp and named him after him. We are now at a time when we too must take a stand for the Lord being faithful no matter what. We know how it all turns out! Hallelujah!

        1. With a name like that you have to think his parents knew something about the history of the name. It’s such an unusual name! That’s some fascinating history… I need to Google that guy!

  2. Such good, encouraging words here, Scott. It does my heart good to see you writing regularly again. So thankful God has spared your life through some very deep waters . We are blessed because of you. We are rich with your presence in our lives. Thank you. Love and hugs to you and Sandy.

    1. Joyful, dear sis, thank you. I mean it. The Lord sends his messenger angels to encourage his people and more than a few times they’ve looked and sounded a lot like you and Roger. No joke. In recent years when I felt it was time to punch my card and call it a day ministry wise, heaven breathed on me through your encouragement. Thank you. So much love to you both from Sandy and me!

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