[4 minute read]

I enjoy laughing. I’m told I have a pretty good laugh and I’ll take it. My male and female friends are some of the funniest people I’ve ever met and they also happen to love Jesus more than anybody I know. Sandy, the life of my party every day, is a hoot to live with; she has lightened my mood so many times I’ve lost count. I love laughing with her.

A couple I pastored years ago enjoyed the way I presented Jesus as being as real – with real emotions – as you and I. They gifted me with a print of the “Laughing Jesus” and it’s still one of my favorite depictions of the Savior rendered by any artist.

Jesus, Man of Joy

Jesus would be the life of any party. Based on the scripture above, he has more joy than the happiest person in the room. He is delighted (“stringed instruments make you glad” v8) when he hears good music. I think he’d sidle up to the house deejay and suggest a tune and everybody at the party would enthusiastically approve.

There have been many gloomy kings, sad kings, bad kings, and even some mad kings, but few glad kings. David came as close as any with his hymnbook and his harps, but many of David’s great songs are drenched with tears. Jesus will be a happy King—anointed with the oil of gladness above His fellows! His reign will fill the world with sunshine and song.

– John Phillips

Just today I was reading someone encouraging us that reading the psalms wasn’t just reading the words of David or some other Hebrew worshipper. We’re actually given the pleasure of singing along with Jesus much as he sang them with his followers. That hit me in a sweet spot. Singing alongside the Savior!

Sure, there are dirges and choruses in the minor key, but think of the volume of joyous anthems and Hebrew ditties. Picture Jesus, Man of Joy, with head thrown back, belting out hosannas and riffing on bouncy melodies and beaming as he scans the happy faces around the fire, urging them to join in with gusto.

Friends of the Bridegroom

The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Look at him! A glutton and a drunkard…’ (Matt 11:19)

Far be it from me to miss any party Jesus is attending. My name’s on the list for the Party of parties – the Mother of all parties – that’s coming. You know, the one Psalm 45 alludes to.

There’s always party-poopers, of course. One day the Cold Water Committee™️ showed up to crash a dinner party one of the newly-minted disciples threw for Jesus. Levi invited all his buddies from his former life, raising the ire of the party police. “Why do you eat and drink with such scum?” they demanded to know.

Jesus turned on them:

“The friends of the bridegroom do not fast when He is with them, they celebrate! They don’t fast; they feast!” (Luke 5:34)

Who the prickly pontificates called “scum” Jesus called his “friends.”

It’s gonna be a “Friends-only” Party (FOP) in the New Creation. Jesus will, no doubt, be laughing and singing as he serves us (!!!) and we will marvel at how beautiful and full of joy he is. We are going to feast and dance and laugh until the cows come home. And those kind of cows, my brothers and sisters, they never come home.

See you there if not before, beloved.

‘Til next time,


Post Author: Pasturescott

12 Replies to “the life of the party”

  1. Scott, the LORD has used you to pull me out of my mid-week doldrums… Thank you buddy. I’m going to get a new nickname, Eeyore is gone and a new day has come. Now if I can only think of one… 🙂
    Our love to you both, B&B

    1. I’m delighted I could serve you in this way, my friend! ‘Tis my happy joy to trace a rainbow over your day and share the life and laugh of God with you! Sending love to you in Jesus’ name…

  2. Great word! My husband is singing and playing violin with our Savior now. He went to Heaven three weeks ago. We took, had many laughs and joyful moments. I do miss his smile and laughter! It’s been difficult and only because I know my Savior lives and I know my best friend is with Him, I can face tomorrow. Still my heart is 💔
    I love the Lord and He is faithful!

    1. My dear Kelly, I just prayed for you. I am so deeply sorry as you grieve the passing of your best friend and beloved husband. I cannot begin to imagine the heartache you feel, but I also heard the faith and joy of Jesus in your words. We sorrow not as those who have no hope, but we do sorrow! Sandy and I grieve with you and ask our Father to hold you and carry you and be a constant presence for you and your family. May God comfort and heal your broken heart as you wait for your sure reunion with your best friend. God’s love to you, Kelly.

  3. A little late to this party… but so glad I read it today!! I love the idea of…”Singing with the Savior.” WOW!! What a day that will be, indeed!! Thank you for reminding us of JESUS, the FRIEND OF SINNERS and DISCIPLES! How often we forget!!

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