Pay close attention to the title. This is not a list of books I think every Christian should read but books that changed me personally. These volumes challenged my thinking, moved me in the deep bowels of my soul and delivered huge payloads of revelation to my spirit. They changed the gait and pace – and at times direction – of my walk in Christ.

You’ll notice titles like Lewis’ Mere Christianity and Packer’s Knowing God are missing. And Augustine’s Confessions. Plus almost anything by Keller.

While these and a host of others deserve their own billing, I wanted to offer you a glimpse into the reason I am me. I am significantly made better by welcoming these books into my heart.

But remember, these 21 – as good as they each are – are all trumped by the holy scriptures, of course.

Just needed that out in the open.

So, that said, here’s my group, in no particular order of importance:

  1. God’s Smuggler
  2. Brother Andrew

  3. The Normal Christian Life
  4. Watchman Nee

  5. A Tale of Three Kings
  6. Gene Edwards

  7. Where Is God When It Hurts
  8. Philip Yancey

  9. Redeeming Love
  10. Francine Rivers

  11. The Gospel of the Kingdom
  12. George Eldon Ladd

  13. Make Haste, My Beloved
  14. Frances J. Roberts

  15. They Found the Secret
  16. V. Raymond Edman

  17. The Practice of the Presence of God
  18. Brother Lawrence

  19. The Word and Power Church
  20. Doug Banister

  21. Shepherding a Child’s Heart
  22. Ted Tripp

  23. Waking the Dead
  24. John Eldredge

  25. The Applause of Heaven
  26. Max Lucado

  27. Rees Howells: Intercessor
  28. Norman Grubb

  29. Improving Your Serve
  30. Chuck Swindoll

  31. A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23
  32. W. Phillip Keller

  33. The Normal Christian Birth
  34. David Pawson

  35. Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts
  36. Jerry Bridges

  37. Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire
  38. Jim Cymbala

  39. The Bush Is Still Burning
  40. Lloyd John Ogilvie

  41. Studies In the Sermon on the Mount
  42. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

I think it’s obvious what I’d like from you. I’ll make this easy: how about one, two or even three books that have challenged and changed you? I assure you, you’ll want to keep adding. My blog started as five, then ten, expanded to twenty and needed one final flourish.

See the box below?

Tell me some titles!

Post Author: Pasturescott

6 Replies to “The 21 Books That Changed My Life”

  1. 1. More than a Carpenter – Josh McDowwell
    2. Wild at Heart – John Eldredge
    3. Through Gates of Splendor – Elisabeth Elliot
    4. Evangelism and Sovereignty of God – J.I. Packer
    5. Hot Tub Religion – J.I. Packer
    6. A biography on C.T. Stud

    On book I started to read – “The Shack”, I quickly put down when I realized the author was putting words in God’s mouth. Others around me where quickly taken this as inspired. Very dangerous book, in my opinion.

    1. Excellent list, Sam. Studd is one of the most intriguing biographies I’ve read. The others are classics for sure.

      I read the Shack, uneasy in parts, wasn’t moved by it except for a single picture of the flower garden. I thought that part was well done.

  2. “A Voice in the Wind” (Mark of the Lion series) Francine Rivers, almost tied with “Redeeming Love” as favorite Novel.

  3. Two of the more classic books stand out to me. I read them in college and they gave me a fresh view of God:

    The Pursuit of God by Tozer
    Knowing God by Packer

    But these books have shaped me in the past 20 years and led me out of a denominational, confining church existence and eventually landed me in Denver in a very missional, Kingdom oriented, fulfilling ministry:

    Visioneering by Andy Stanley was a book that spoke to the lack of fulfillment I was experiencing in ministry and gave me hope that something greater was possible.

    The Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne gave me a picture of what the gospel looks like outside the context of my own church experience. It was a very freeing look at Jesus and let me realize I had a very narrow of the gospel.

    Myth of the Christian Nation by Gregory Boyd aided my exodus out of the empire and into the Kingdom.

    The Unstoppable Force by Erwin McManus is a beautiful look at the church and church planting.

    In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day and Wild Goose Chase both by Mark Batterson came along at just the right time to give me the faith to believe that God had greater things in store for me and gave me the courage to move.

    This author might get me in trouble but Rob Bell’s God Wants To Save Christians planted some seeds of truth that have come to fruition and have been very helpful in our ministry in Denver.

    I have also loved Don Miller’s Blue Like Jazz and A Million Miles in a Thousand Years.

    1. Excellent list and commentary on each, Ray. It’s obvious how your life’s been shaped and challenged by each. As to the Rob Bell reference, that same book sits on my shelf too. Interesting sidebit about him: though I have strong reservations about his more recent work, I recommend his writing style to many I know who wish to communicate in written word. “Write like him,” I say. He engages. He connects.

      Thanks for adding value to this post, brother. God’s tides of grace and peace to you!

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