Gracious Father…I praise you for the wet crunch of celery, the soothing texture of ice cream, the alluring aroma of baking bread. I praise you for my wife’s gentle kisses and my grandson’s infectious giggle. I praise you for the relaxing sound of ocean waves, the memory-connecting music of the 60s, the well-timed greeting of a friend, and how good it feels to finish a job and start a new book. I praise you for the permanent smile on the face of a dolphin, the never-the-same array of sunrises and sunsets, the precise ways you show up when I need you the most…

Scotty Smith, Everyday Prayers

What little things can you list in your praise-book?  

Post Author: Pasturescott

4 Replies to “little things”

  1. I praise God for those days of sweet peace , for opportunities to have good conversation with long-time friends, being able to hear the beautiful sound of music and for the days I get to hear the voices of our kids and grands when they call or Skype (even though they live far away ), good hugs , being able to see some layers of healing, and …good-strong coffee with 1/2 -n- 1/2 🙂 . Thanks for asking Scott. It’s good to give thanks for the little things and these are a few of my favorite {little} things. 🙂

    1. Yours is a blog post itself, my dear. Thank you for adding your own “little things” list of your personal blessings as each demonstrates how giant shadow you cast through your life and influence. It is good to praise and bless the Lord! I’ve always thought how appellee you were named, and I think God for you, my very long time friend. Oh, and happy Mother’s Day belatedly, Joyful! Bless you for having and dispensing such streams of grace into this hard, thankless world.

  2. Good talking to you today Scott. Your a breath of fresh air in a world that seems to be winning, of course we know that Jesus has made all things possible. Blessings to you and Sandy

    1. That was a wonderful phone call, my friend! I want to thank you for staying with the stuff, not growing stale, and making much of Jesus in your beautiful lives!

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